Monday, October 27, 2008

best ever chicken rice~~~

2day my mom made chicken rice for whole family.....very nice o...:)...Guess y today i woke up so early?haha.....coz i smell the chicken rice cold rite?! haha.....jus wanna tell u guys tat dis is the best chicken rice i ever had in my life...haha~~dun misunderstand ya....i dint mean i never eat chicken rice o...i even asked my mom to teach me how to do,but when i woke up,everything well cooked sad:(...well i dunno y these days i so eager in learning cooking....lolzzz..coz of her i guess....>.<....chicken rice! wait for me next time!! haha....
~~mom, thx a lot n i love you^.^

Exam ScaRy

why everyone hav to sit for exam!!! i dun make my free time so occupied with juz sitting there reading at those boring and read and read!!! well....hehe....i not serius enough perhaps.....u know i kind of sports man,an very active guy!! any sports i can play a longer time,but if studying, for me 2 hours was like the whole day dy... i cant made myself like those bookworm...their life is very dull and boring,they know nothing but only books...i dun get why those ppl can live in their own world--i mean the world with only books! nothing,i only be a bookworm for 2 more weeks only and then i will b FREE!!!! yeah!!! ~~~

Monday, October 20, 2008


If someone ask me how love is bout…I can only say by self experience it then you will know…it cant not simply describe with any word because each people have their own story. For me, love is actually a very sacred things. we should not playing in relationships instead. if you are meant just to playing in relationships, then better don’t begin. Why do I said so? Imagine if u have put your everything in it, what u get at last is painful and hurtful memory! Especially to those who had their first love.
For me, rather than my beloved one being hurt, I wish I carry all the pains by myself just don’t let her to be hurt. This is what I learnt since I know her. Maybe some people don’t believe falling in love at first sight, but truly it happened to me. The feeling I had is really wonderful. When you see her, you cant stop yourself from getting know her, one more thing is your heart beats faster!

During the school open weeks, which was before the orientation, I met her in the class. She was sitting alone beside the window. At that moment I wanted to get to know her, wanted to ask what her name, and many more things about her. That time was the first time I being like that. However school bell rang and it was the time class dismiss, I was very miss her and sad because I cant even manage to know her name.

But, one day during orientation, I manage to see her again! She was with my classmate that time. i approached to her by asking whats her name. luckily my classmate was also there, she indirectly lend me a hand. If no one there, maybe I don’t have any reasons or chances to get to know her and also soon later we are also of the different group.

Later on, we were busy with our own group stuff, until I dint have time to chat with her. Almost the whole week, I only talk several times with her only and time flies very very fast. It was the time for everyone back to their own class and started schooling life. But one thing is sadly, she was changed to L6S3. I was really unhappy that day because I afraid I will not have the chance to talk to her, chat with her again.

Everyday I was seemed like crazy already, whenever I saw her, I cant controlled myself from looking at her, smiling at her. As people said one who is in love, they will do many crazy and irrational things. It is true! I am one of the example. I always standing at the corridor facing her class, hope to see her, releasing my missing towards her.

Until one day, a person messaged me, asking me some weird questions which make my mind full of “questions” in return. but one weird thing was she knew my name! when she mention my English name, I suddenly think of her and I also don’t know why. In fact I keep asking her name to make sure what I sense was true. I try and try but she was very stubborn, at last even though I failed to know who is that person, but I am very sure it was her. I remember down her number. I know one day I could know who was the one messaging me.
I wanted to get her number, just dint know who can I get from. How am I going to take number from her or from friends around her. Since then, she dint message me anymore until one day finally I know who is that person behind that number. It happened like that, I asked one of her friends, and also used to be my classmate before. I simply ask her that I need xxxxxxxxx num, wanted to ask her some questions. That’s how I got her number . I dint know why I had to do so many things just to get her number, why don’t I just go to her there asking her directly instead. I have no idea to this matter and I guess only her will make me to be like that.

I still remember the first day I had a date with her was 30th of Jun at Teluk Cempedak beach during dinner time. That day we had western food there, the place where I work there. She had chicken chop and I had lamb chop. My aunt who is the chef and also my employer, asking me whether she is my girlfriend. I said no to her but in fact in I mind I said yes. At there also we had a portrait of both of us drawn by a portrait painter. Until now I still keep the portrait with me, I hang it on wall where everytime when I wake up in the morning, the first thing is seeing her. She look exactly in the picture, she has beautiful eyes, which will make you get electric shock whenever you look at her, she has a long smooth straight hair with sweet scent, which make u want to touch her hair everytime, she has sexy lips, the moment when she is eating is the most attracting that will make you unable to control yourself to kiss her.

The another day that I wont forget was the day I confess my love to her and I did that in a mall. Actually I already did in sms, but I think there is a necessary I need to tell her by my ownself. When you confess your love in sms compared to face to face with her,it actually require a very big courage to do so. Perhaps this was the first time I did this, my mind was in a piece of mess because I have never came across with this stuff. After saying out everything, what I got was a negative result. Maybe all the while I just think too much. That day I realized one thing that if u choose to confess your love to someone, make sure you choose at a right place at right timing. She also got tell me about her sad and hurtful events to me, I was really felt angry and also sad for her. I think how come such a good and nice girl can had such a terrible experience. I just cant imagine it! Since then, I told myself I will never ever do such thing to my beloved ones. Then we went to watch batman movie. That day indeed the whole story is unbelievable. That day she accepted me. We start our relationships not like the other couples have.

Till now, she still the one I love the most. Forever I will protect her, share everything with her, giving all my best I could for her. Well, she is my only one.




A FOR ACCEPT(接受)-世界上没有十全十美的人,这句话是千真万确的,尤其是两个人一起并不等如两块合得来的积木,必需互相迁就记得,你爱他/她,就必需接受他/她的一切,包括他/她的缺点.当然,接受和包容也得看情况,如果伤害到你就万万不可包容,不然的话包容会变成纵容.
B FOR BELIEVE(相信)-不信任对方,经常以怀疑的语气盘问对方,这种互相猜疑的爱情,就只有分手的下场,既然跟他她一起就应该完全信任对方才对.
C FOR CARE(关心)-关心的程度正好表现你对对方的重视程度,打个电话,传封SMS或MMS,关心式问候一句,这些关心未必有实际用途,但肯定令对方暖在心头.你的真诚关心,对方肯定FEEL得到;同样也会回报他/她的真诚关心.彼此互相关心,相爱到永久.
G FOR GIVE(付出)-爱情这东西不一定是你付出这么”多”,便会收回这么”多”,但不付出一定没收获,对你的情人,应该对自己一样,毫无保留的付出,这才算得上真爱.但是付出是值得的.
H FOR HEART AND HONESTY(心,诚实)-当然在爱情中也要交个心出来,真诚的心.爱情中你必须真心对待,用心去爱你的令一半,大家何必收收埋埋呢?没有心怎么能称得上真心相爱?
I FOR INDEPENDENCE(独立)-甜言蜜语中会有”我是为你而生存”.其实每个人都有自己的生存空间,不应该过分依赖对方,成为对方承重负担,甚至累赘.
J FOR JEALOUSY(吃醋)-在爱情中,适当的吃醋,吃醋能表现你对对方的重视,但切记是合情合理的醋意,毫不讲理大发雷霆的吃醋,久之必然惹人反感.所谓爱情中一点醋,感情进一步.
K FOR KISS(吻)-和情人深深一吻来代表所有言语,轻轻的一吻以能你对他/她的疼惜,所以请不要吝啬你的红唇一吻.
L FOR LOVE(爱)-都说是爱情,没有爱又怎会有情呢?爱跟喜欢不同,爱一个人你必定会为他/她做任何事,这是最高境界,间中不妨跟他/她说一句”我爱你”,让双方爱情不降温.还有爱情L FOR LION(狮子),大家要学的,尤其是女人,别上演张柏芝的”河东狮吼”,分分钟把对方给吼走.
M FOR MATURE(成熟)-为什么大多数人的初恋总是会无声无色GAME OVER?因为年轻人恋爱得较幼稚,况且没有人会喜欢对方长年没头没脑的蹦蹦跳,人成熟一点,你的爱情也会早熟一点,甚至开花结果.
N FOR NATURAL(自然)-很多人当初拍拖的时候会把一切的缺点收起来,变成令一个人,日子久了,缺点就会一萝萝的出现,令对方吃不消.其实,不做作,流于自然的爱情才会细水长流,爱得自然;爱得舒服.
O FOR ONLY ONE(唯一)-在爱情中,谁不想成为爱侣的唯一,唯一最爱.当然在交往时,我也希望我是你唯一的女人/男人.
O FOR OBSERVE-(观察)-经常细心观察对方的喜好,不但能更了解对方,还能间中给他/她一些惊喜,好像爱侣在跟你SHOPPING的时候无意赞某些东西,你可以留待他/她生日的时候买给他/她,那份心意肯定比礼物来得珍贵.除了之外,也要细心留意对方的心情,是否特别安静,心事重重的,或特别开心似的,一句问候语可让他/她感觉欣慰
P FOR PROTECT(保护)-男人当然要保护自己心爱的女人,做女人的护花使者;可是女人也应该保护心爱的男人,男人最忌女人在大庭广众数落他,一丁点的颜面都不给他.
Q FOR QUARTER(宽容)-爱情里怎么没有宽恕,对他/她的错误,你应该以宽大的态度原谅他/她.一句对不起于与行动上的表示已足够代表他/她对你的悔意.对于心胸狭隘的人也是时候开始学放宽你的心胸了,不然的话他日难相处,日子一久了就会惹人反感.
R FOR RECEIVE(接收)-对于爱侣为你做的一切,请不要无动于衷,视若无赌,或者一大桶冷水浇下去,这样一来会令到他/她气馁.他/她的付出,你应该以欣赏的态度去接受,这才会令感情进一步.
S FOR SHARE(分享)-若你爱他/她就应该分享彼此的喜`怒`哀`乐,不要只顾自己的感受,应该细心聆听他/她想对你说的话,这是作为伴侣最简单的责任.我希望你可以与我分享我的好心情,分享我的坏心情.当然我愿意陪你一起分担你的好的坏的.